Agile Jazz

Newsboxtrio is a Live-Band with different backgrounds, from Jazz to Rock and back to Blues and Pop. But the heart of the band beats for improvisation. We try to make sounds that refer to the quality of time.

Das NEWS-BOX-TRIO „schaut“ gelegentlich in Schubladen nach, hat aber seine eigene Box. Diese ist immer offen und jeder kann „nachhören“.

Karl Pospichal

Karl Pospichal

Hansjörg Zahradnik

Hansjörg Zahradnik

Johannes Tiefenbrunner

Johannes Tiefenbrunner


With various guests!

A Heart Doesn't Lie

With Gerald Schubert on keys.

Quick Demo

With Felix Zahradnik on drums and Gerald Schubert on keys.

EM Village


Para Note

With Gerald Schubert on keys.


East-Austria, Europe

Wanna talk? Wanna Book? Drop a note!